Xsan 2.3 client won’t mount

I’m having a problem with clients dropping their  xsan volumes, usually on a restart of the client.  The fix I used is below, but  I’d live to have abetter method.  Here’s what I know: The MDCs are running 10.7.4, as are the clients.  There is a ghost directory that I have deleted, but it returns … Read more

Hopes for Lytro

I was one of the ones who pre-ordered a Lytro pretty much as soon as the product was announced last year (http://blog.lytro.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Lytro-Camera-Launch-Press-Release-10-19-11.pdf). I immediately took a bunch of shots, and immediately thought, “this is, right now, a one-trick pony”.   By the way, if there are big gaps in the post, the lytro plugin seems … Read more

Why collimate? And an excuse to try LaTeX

I’ve been enjoying a book i got on sale thru SPIE, Friedman and Miller’s “Photonics Rules of Thumb”.  Much of it is (literally) rocket science, but there are wonderful offerings for the advanced beginner, especially in the introductory sections.  One tidbit amateur astronomers may find interesting is a formula relating to the optical performance of … Read more

A thunder storm

We did get an inch-and-a-half of rain and the landscape is greener.  During the storm, I tried out the video feature of the Canon 60Da because we were getting quite a lightshow.  The camera was running at 59.94 fps.  The CMOS sensor reads out from top to bottom,  so it records only partial frames of … Read more